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Illustration shows character named Billy the Bullet who along side a cartoon depiction of president Nixon, encouraging people to step up to the war effort and "kill dem commies". This sort of exaggerated cartoon reflects the anti war sentiment that…

A newspaper article about the activities of the black student union on St. Edward's University campus.

Rhodes discusses about how St. Edward’s has not offered much to the Black community. As a result, Blacks created a group called the “Soul Society” under leadership of Joe Lawson. The group is compromised with freshman, sophomores, and few seniors,…

The St. Edward's administrative board has made a transition of authority to lay trustees.

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Brother Antonius gives a lecture on the details of the Catholic church at the University of Texas.

Brother Daly Interview 3_28.m4a
Brother Richard Daly, member of Congregation of the Holy Cross and faculty at St. Edward's University, gives verbal interview with students about the context and effects of the Vatican II council.

A bugler playing reveille through a megaphone at dawn at St. Edward's Military Academy.

War Bond ad in the St.Edward's Cadet Newspaper

St.Edward's cadets selling war bonds around Austin

Cadets fool around outside of class.
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