Browse Items (246 total)

A new St. Edward's proposal discusses getting rid of the International Student Office.

A letter written by the Academic Committee to the university administration recommending changes that would better serve the academic 'atmosphere' of the St. Edward's campus.

A questionaire taken by students and faculty over the overall academic atmosphere of St. Edward's University.

Facts and Statistics of admission and curriculum of the MAPP/Estima Program.

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An article describing the background and facts of the MAPP and ESTIMA program.

This is a general statement of the objectives of St. Edward's University for their students' education and development.

An immodest Proposal .JPG
St. Edward's student publishes article proposing to convert university space into a brothel.

While protesting the Vietnam war, multiple students were arrested. While being detained and held in the county jail, they realize that the conditions people are held in are unjust. One protester remarks on not being read his rights, and how public…

An open house for potential Maryhill students.

A transcript of Fr. O'Donohue's 1932 Baccalaureate Sermon, as published in the student newspaper, the St. Edward's Echo.
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